
5 Advantages of a Physician-Supervised Weight-Loss Program

Aug 09, 2024
5 Advantages of a Physician-Supervised Weight-Loss Program
Does losing weight feel like a losing battle? Keep reading to learn about physician-supervised weight loss programs and how they can finally help you achieve your goals.

The diet industry is a multi-billion dollar business — what has it done for you? If you’re like most of the patients who walk into our office, the answer is “nothing.”

Meridith Womick, MD, and the entire team of doctors and health coaches at Metabolic Medical Center see a huge gap between what the industry offers and what actually works. That’s why we’ve dedicated our practice to helping individuals lose weight and get healthy with personalized physician-supervised weight loss programs. 

Here are five reasons you should delete that cookie-cutter diet plan from your phone and see our experts for help losing weight instead. 

1. We consider your whole health

There are more diet plans and fitness influencers now than ever before, how are so many people still struggling with their weight? Those one-size-fits-all weight loss programs might be part of the problem. 

Very seldom do two people lose weight the same way. That’s why we take into account your entire health history and conduct a thorough examination to test for underlying health conditions that may be affecting your weight loss. Some of those tests include:

  • Body-composition analysis to determine fat/muscle ratio
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG) to evaluate your heart health
  • Complete blood panel to screen for diabetes, kidney disease, and other health problems.

You also have the chance to discuss your preferences, nutritional needs, food sensitivity, and more. 

All of this information drives your medically supervised weight loss program and ensures that our recommendations are tailored to your unique needs. Based on what we find out from your initial evaluation and consultation, we recommend one or more of the following:

Your plan is completely customizable, and we can adjust it as you go along.

2. We offer structure

Losing weight isn’t easy, and trying to go it alone can make the journey even more difficult. If you team up with us, you get the structure and support you can’t find anywhere else. 

Our weight loss programs are incredibly detailed and include everything from what to eat to how to exercise most efficiently. You never have to second-guess your snacks or search your brain for your next workout. 

3. We’re there for you

During your weight loss journey, you check in with us regularly so we can evaluate your progress, answer questions, and tweak your program if necessary. All along the way, we offer tailored-to-you coaching and advice on how to build life-long healthy habits and overcome your wellness hurdles. 

4. We go at your pace

Whether you’re looking for fast results or a slow and steady approach, we have what you need. If you’re not interested in making a mad dash toward your goals, our other programs offer a more gradual approach. Talk to us about what you’re looking for from your weight loss journey, and we can connect you with the best combination of services. 

5. We focus on more than just weight loss

Don’t get us wrong; fitting into your favorite jeans is a huge perk of losing weight, but that’s just the beginning of the story. From your initial consultation to your last check-in, we stay focused on how losing weight impacts your overall health. 

You’ll notice positive changes, including lower cholesterol levels, less joint pain, better sleep, improved mood, lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar levels, and relief from chronic health conditions. 

These are only the top five advantages of working with one of our weight loss experts. If you’d like to learn even more about what our programs can offer you, call the Metabolic Medical Center location closest to you or request an appointment online. We proudly serve patients in Mount Pleasant, Charleston, Murrells Inlet, Columbia, and Bluffton, South Carolina.