
Semaglutide: All About This New Weapon in the Weight Loss Battle

May 15, 2024
Semaglutide: All About This New Weapon in the Weight Loss Battle
If you’ve struggled to lose weight without success, there’s a new weapon that may help. And the best part? It doesn’t require surgery—instead, semaglutide works with your hormones to help with weight management. Read on to learn how.

If weight loss were easy, everyone would have a perfect figure. In reality, shedding excess pounds is tricky. And for many people struggling with weight management, diet and exercise may not be enough.

Fortunately, there’s a new weapon in the weight loss battle, and you don’t need surgery to benefit. Instead, it’s an under-the-skin injection that helps the body produce more insulin — semaglutide.

At Metabolic Medical Center with offices in Mount Pleasant, Charleston, Murrells Inlet, Columbia, and Bluffton, South Carolina. Meridith Womick, MD, and her team know firsthand how hard it is to lose weight. Our expert team uses semaglutide to provide the additional support our patients need to achieve weight loss success. 

When using this medication as part of our comprehensive weight management strategies, people struggling to drop those unwanted pounds might finally reach their goal weight.

In this post, we explain semaglutide, how it helps with weight loss, and when to consider this treatment option.

Semaglutide basics

Semaglutide is in a specific class of drugs: Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs). Basically, GLP-1 is a hormone produced in your gut. Its job is to tell the pancreas to make the insulin needed to keep blood sugar levels within a normal range. 

Semaglutide’s active ingredient acts like this hormone, triggering your body to release insulin. As a result, the medication is highly effective at balancing blood sugar levels.

However, GLP-1 performs multiple functions, including supporting weight management.

How semaglutide helps with weight loss

Like many hormones in your body, GLP-1 has several jobs — and increasing insulin levels is just the beginning. It also helps control your appetite and slow down digestion. These two functions play a crucial role in weight management.

Semaglutide uses this GLP-1-mimicking hormone to signal the part of the brain that controls appetite and thirst. This message reduces the desire to eat, making it easier to follow a balanced diet and lose weight.

This innovative medication also sends signals to the stomach, telling it to slow down digestion. In response, you feel full sooner when you eat, and you feel fuller longer. 

When to consider semaglutide

Semaglutide is used to treat adults struggling with obesity. It’s also ideal for those who are overweight and in need of long-term weight management. 

Medical classifications consider a body mass index (BMI) over 25 overweight and over 30 obese. Guidelines recommend semaglutide use for those with a BMI of 27 or higher.

Semaglutide is administered as a weekly injection. To avoid gastrointestinal side effects, we start at a low dose. Then, we gradually increase the dosage if needed.

Research shows that semaglutide can help individuals lose approximately 15% of their body weight. For example, if you weigh 220 pounds, you could lose up to 33 pounds with this medication. 

However, for the best results, our team uses semaglutide in combination with a balanced eating plan and regular physical activity. We also offer one-on-one health coaching and personal training for ongoing support.

If you’re overweight or obese and struggling to reach your weight goals, our team can determine if semaglutide could work for you. We can discuss this weight loss injection and other strategies to help you achieve your healthy weight once and for all. 

If you’re ready to lose weight — for good — and improve your overall health, book a consultation with the experts at Metabolic Medical Center. Call the location closest to you or request an appointment online.